In October 2010, within the Comenius project “Mission: Clean Earth”, we had an ecological activity in Colonie Nuci area, having as partner Rm Valcea City Hall, which provided us plastic gloves and bags and means of transport necessary to carry the gathered garbage that afterwards was selected and stored in special bins, situated in the school’s yard.
At this activity took part the school’s head master, the teachers and the pupils.The mayor of Ramnicu Valcea city and the school’s mediator also joined us in this activity.
After we gathered the garbage from the community area, the head master explained the pupils that garbage should not be thrown randomly, that it should be collected and separated in special bins.
The pupils from the secondary school taught their younger colleagues how to separate
Following this activity, the pupils understood that garbage and the way in which we understand to treat them affects the environment we live in, the air we breath, the water we drink, in a word , everything that surround us.
The pupils were also told that in Ramnicu Valcea, specialized companies reuse garbage, saving thus valuable natural resources.
On 21st October 2010 our school was visited by specialists from the “Environment Protection Agency” who taught pupils and teachers about the means of keeping the environment clean and pleasant, about pollution and pollution forms, waste and means of recycling.
The pupils from our school learned that the environment is valuable, and that their attitude affects or saves life on Earth.
The pupils watched a cartoon about garbage and recycling, which they really enjoyed. Afterwards, the cartoon was debated by the specialists and the pupils.
Pupils showed the specialist what items can be made from garbage: baskets for flowers, boxes for pencils, frames for photos, etc.
The activity was ended with a spectacular fashion parade. The pupils were dressed with clothes made by them from recycled paper and plastic bags.
The pupils were also told that in Ramnicu Valcea, specialized companies reuse garbage, saving thus valuable natural resources.

The pupils from our school learned that the environment is valuable, and that their attitude affects or saves life on Earth.
The pupils watched a cartoon about garbage and recycling, which they really enjoyed. Afterwards, the cartoon was debated by the specialists and the pupils.
Pupils showed the specialist what items can be made from garbage: baskets for flowers, boxes for pencils, frames for photos, etc.
The activity was ended with a spectacular fashion parade. The pupils were dressed with clothes made by them from recycled paper and plastic bags.